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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Selamat Hari Merdeka~!

Hari yang istimewa ini, saya membuat keputusan untuk menulis dalam Bahasa Kebangsaan demi menunjukkan penghargaan dan penghayatan kepada negara yang tercinta. Rasa sedikit ganjil dan janggal... Apapun, Selamat Hari Merdeka!

48 tahun yang lepas, Tunku Abdul Rahman mengisytiharkan kemerdekaan Tanah Melayu daripada jajahan British di Stadium Merdeka Kuala Lumpur. 2 tahun yang lepas pula, saya menyertai pertandingan mereka cipta laman web bertemakan Hari Kebangsaan. Eh, menyimpang dari topik asal pula. Baiklah, saya ada dua fakta menarik untuk pembaca semua:

1. Duli Yang Maha Mulia Yang Dipertuan Agong Persekutuan Tanah Melayu yang pertama bernama Tuanku Abdul Rahman.... Tapi jangan dikelirukan dengan Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj, Perdana Menteri kita yang pertama.

2. Hari Malaysia berbeza dari Hari Kebangsaan atau Hari Merdeka. Hari Malaysia jatuh pada 16 September setiap tahun, manakala Hari Kebangsaan/Merdeka pada 31 Ogos. Hari Malaysia menandakan tarikh pencantuman negeri Sabah dan Sarawak (dan juga Singapura) dengan Tanah Melayu untuk membentuk Malaysia.

Sebagai rakyat Malaysia, ada baiknya kita tahu banyak sedikit tentang negara kita. Malu-lah kalau tidak tahu apa-apa lansung, contohnya macam bilangan jalur dalam Jalur Gemilang. Kalau yang tidak tahu apa-apa tu, saya gemar gelar mereka "bodoh". Padan betul gelaran itu dengan sifat mereka.

Tak sabar rasanya menanti sambutan ulangtahun kemerdekaan ke-50 pada tahun 2007. Mesti rayakan gilang-gemilang... Oh ya, ada satu perkara yang saya betul-betul hendak tekankan setiap kali menyambut Hari Merdeka -- kita mestilah tidak terlalu khusyuk merayakan hari ini sehingga sambutan itu lari dari maksudnya. Jangan melebih-lebih.

Seperkara lagi... berapa ramai antara anda yang ada mengikuti ucapan YAB Perdana Menteri sempena Hari Merdeka di televisyen? Ataupun nampak sahaja muka Pak Lah, terus ambil "remote" tukar "channel"?

Malang betul kamu membaca artikel ini dan dipersendakan oleh saya kerana tidak mengikuti ucapan beliau. Hahaha...! Malang sungguh.

Sebenarnya bukan panjang sangat ucapan 22 minit itu. Intipati ucapan tersebut amat penting kerana Pak Lah menyebut tentang beberapa masalah dalam negara, khususnya yang berkait dengan sikap rakyat Malaysia. Antaranya ialah mentaliti masih bertaraf Dunia Ketiga, sungguhpun infrastruktur yang ada berkelas satu. Ah... food for thought. Ooops, um, makanan untuk fikiran (?).

Hari Kebangsaan kali ini, saya akan berada di rumah sahaja. STPM hanya tinggal 2 bulan lagi, jadi demi tidak menyumbang kepada statistik pelajar gagal peperiksaan di negara ini, ini merupakan tindakan terbaik yang boleh saya ambil untuk menunjukkan semangat patriotik saya. Sebelum mengundur diri, sekali lagi saya ucapkan Selamat Hari Merdeka!

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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Still tired

Woke up from an evening nap at 8 pm and had my dinner. It wasn't even exactly an evening nap because I slept for 4 hours! I guess I haven't fully recovered from the trip to Tenom.

Anyway, while having my dinner, Ka Lik told me Moon and other cousins are going to the movie. And so to the movie we went. It was Herbie: Fully Loaded starring Lindsay Lohan. You can watch the trailer here. I'm not going to write a full review about it, but I will tell you this: the movie was fun, only that storyline is just too similar to the other Herbie movies for it to be memorable.

Later today (Wednesday), I will be doing a soccer robot demonstration in Buhavan Square, Donggongon in conjunction with Independence Day Carnival. The demonstration starts at noon. My teammates Jiron and William will be there as well. I have no idea how big this whole thing is yet, but grand or not grand, to be part of the Carnival is a good thing. Besides helping to fill up the slots for the celebration, we will be spurring the public's interests towards robotic technology and artificial intelligence. Killing two birds with one stone... I made myself sound good didn't I? =P

Ah... Today's already Wednesday. That means my one-week holiday is already half over. I can see myself struggling during the remaining of it trying to finish my homework. I have not the slightest of worry though. If something is going to get done, it will be done just at the nick of time...

I sure hope so. Wish me luck.

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Monday, August 22, 2005

I'm home

Reached Tg Aru train station around 2.10 p.m. today. I came back from a camp at Sabah Agricultural Park in Tenom.

It was the experience of a lifetime. Really. Lots and lots happened, so much so that I'm still unable to think clearly right now. The sudden change from Tenom to home leaves my mind empty and confused. My mind's totally exhausted. I didn't sleep until 4 a.m. this morning, after an amazingly long day on Sunday. And woke up at 6 to rush to the train station.

I really feel like talking to someone at this moment -- anyone. Miss Aileen said she'll online tonight. So I'm waiting.

I need to rest.

Hope I'll be able to post something out of the pile of fun mess I had A.S.A.P.

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Sunday, August 14, 2005

Snapshots... second in a series

Ka Han's back for a day... (no more fiddling with her laptop)

But that means I've got to fool around with her Motorola E398's camera. (And of course a few self portraits are a must.)

New book racks that I wrote about in the previous post.

Some books that are there... I don't read much, so naturally I don't have many books.

Also have some (some?) comics.

My cell on its rest. I inherited the cell from Ka Han.

Two separate study spots of mine.

My Chinese zodiac is tiger.

I have no idea why I like Twins so much...

That's it. Tomorrow is exam.

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Friday, August 12, 2005

It's raining!

Finally... it rained!

Our prayers have been answered.

At least that's the case for where I'm living in. It's still raining now in Kota Kinabalu as I'm typing this. I hope it won't stop for the next few hours (nice, cool sleep!) and wish other parts of the country will get their rain ASAP. If you're wondering why I'm so happy about the rain, go click the link at the top of this post.

This rain will clear the haze that has enveloped my city for the past few days. I'm expecting a clear blue sky when I wake up tomorrow. Although the condition here in KK is not as bad as in Port Klang, we were affected just as much. The haze blanketed the sky and reduced visibility, not to mention the increased temperature which made life really uncomfortable.

Uh-oh... I can even hear thunders now. It's not a good idea to stay online. God bless my country and its citizens.

P/s: Now we should pray for a really heavy rain in Sumatra to stop the damn fire from burning!

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Monday, August 08, 2005


I'm currently blogging using Ka Han's new laptop. Helping her to install and configure things, so while downloading those essential softwares, I decided to write something here.

Let's talk about computer. My PC is terribly sick. Something is really wrong with it. The DVD-ROM doesn't work except for DVDs, the CD-RW couldn't read or write, the floppy behaves like its more modern brother, and my Kingston thumbdrive is unusable although it is detected. It's gonna get reformatted soon. Time for those dreaded backup work.

Meanwhile, I've temporarily switched to my sister's laptop and it feels as though a customer sends in a computer for repair and I use it for personal stuff. The laptop is from HP, an M2000 series model with 512MB of RAM. It's slightly bulky and heavier than I would have liked but then again, it's not me who will lunge this thing around. The touchpad is really slowing me down. Should have taken the mouse from my sister. Anyway, I really liked the feeling of fiddling with a new computer, especially when the Net connection is fast. Makes my job so much easier and enjoyable.

About the LaserJet in my previous post, I'm now waiting for the shop to call me. I didn't bring my cell to school today, so I don't know if they actually called me or not. Hope I would get the cables soon. Can't wait to burn some papers!

Yesterday... was exhausting. We have some new furnitures, mostly book racks. I wanted to replace my room's old single book rack with two new ones, so I had some form of weight-training lifting those racks up and down. The great thing is that now the room is much tidier. It looks a lot better too.

Next week is my first STPM trial so I won't be posting until it's over. Um, make that three or four days after it's over. Why? Because I will be attending a camp at Sabah Agricultural Park the day after the last day of the exam. I'll have a lot to blog about when everything's done with.

If you've made it so far down this long and boring post, I hereby certify that [insert your name here] as fit enough for the texts at Bartleby.com. Give the site a serious consideration. It's much more informative and useful. Thanks for reading anyway.

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Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Another technology leap

It's another technology leap at my HO (home office). Yay! *throws confetti*

Last night, the man whom I inherited my genes from (a.k.a. Boss) unloaded a bulky beige plastic device from the car's hood. Turns out to be... [insert any suspense sound effect here].... a laser printer! I'm [insert your favourite word to decribe excitement]!

It's the HP LaserJet 1200 model and was previously used in Boss' office. It came without anything it would have come with if purchased new: manual, cables, driver CD, even the box. Don't ask me why. So at this moment I'm scouring the web for more info. Hmmm... I hope this beige plastic is worth all the trouble. I can see myself going around shopping malls like a mad man trying to find the cables.

Anyway, my buddy Wil from The Black Journal commented that I should include photos in my post. So here goes:

Found this image through Google... thanks to whom it belongs.

Just one problem (one I'm happy to have). I already have a printer, a flatbed scanner, a fixed-line phone, speakers and the monitor, not forgetting the rat (oh, a mouse actually) on my PC desk (and as I type, I heard the big headphone and gamepad shouting to remind me to include them in this list as well). So where am I going to put the BIG beige plastic?

I'll figure that out soon...