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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Back & Blogging

Right at this moment in time I'm typing this piece of update in my faculty's computer lab.

If you noticed, I did not post anything for the whole of last month. It's been a hectic month. The first week was orientation week, during which I averaged only two and a half hours of sleep per day. Oh yes, there's something I must write about... Here, we have a unique tradition of having shouting matches between residential colleges during orientation week. Shouting matches, literally. It looks like this: First imagine 5000 divided into 10 groups shouting their cheers in a free-for-all setting. Then insert intense rivalries, alliances and funny mascots in between the organized mess. Ah, and not forgetting the occasional human waves.

The other weeks were a bit duller, filled with lectures, tutorials, activities and lots of mall trips.

... Ok, I've just been hit by the writer's block. This post ends abruptly here. No worry though, like Arnie likes to say, "I'll be back..."