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Saturday, June 03, 2006

Renovation: The Outcome

The Picasso imitation, signed off with "kakeng" instead of "picasso". Have not found a reliable way to put it on the wall yet, so it is resting on top of my monitor for now.

A bookrack on my tiny study place. Beside it is my bedroom's door, painted in racing double stripes.

This is how the bedroom looks like from the door. It's messy. My bed is the one in close view.

A closer look at the graffiti.

The wall next to my bed, decorated with a Vince Carter poster to complement the basketball theme of the room. I would have preferred a Kobe poster though.

My closet. No skeletons ;P

Boxes of basketball kicks on top of the closet.

Something I bought during the trip to West Malaysia, a Michael Jordan bobblehead.

Oh, and this Tigger of mine have been featured here before. All he does is sleep...

The noisy alarm clock and a Twins poster at my bedside. There are a number of other Twins-related items in the room, but that's for another post. There are just too many of them.

Lastly, a poster holder I made out of polystyrene recently, as a quick measure to neutralize mum's complaint of a messy room.